Russian troops and armor head into Georgia proper in major escalation.

What is certain to be considered a major escalation in the fighting, Russian ground forces are reportedly attacking the Georgian city of Gori well outside the disputed South Ossetian region. While technically South Ossetia is recognized by the entire world as part of Georgia, the crossing of that border into Georgia proper is going to have major repercussions for the Russians and has started to change the tone of questions to ‘when is Russia going to stop fighting in response to Georgia’s invasion of S. Ossetia?’ to something along the lines of ‘just what are the Russians *really* up to?’ The latter line of questioning is going to have an impact in Soviet Russian – Western relations for many years to come.

Meanwhile, Georgian forces in Iraq have been landing in Tiblisi and some questions are being raised on how exactly they got there (and whether US air power played a role).


2 thoughts on “Russian troops and armor head into Georgia proper in major escalation.”

  1. if you go to google and type in ahh Georgia Pipeline you’ll see a pipeline line that 1% of the ENTIRE worlds oil goes through let me say it again 1% of the ENTIRE worlds oil goes
    so now that i have said this might we take a look were 90% (a guess but i am guessing that it is a good guest) of Russia’s income comes from OIL and they don’t like compition (as Glen Beck Said)
    so i believe the Author of this blog is right a russia is up to something as i say this i also would like to say america beat iraq main army in how long and how big is iraq please now go up to georgia and look at them this might all be over in a few hours EUROPE TIME IS OF THE ESENCE AS IN if you want a alternative to Russia’s strangle hold on your oil fight there fight now!!!!!!!
    and please fight as if your life depended on it because to be frank it does!
    thank-you again for letting me vent

  2. if you go to google and type in ahh Georgia Pipeline you’ll see a pipeline line that 1% of the ENTIRE worlds oil goes through let me say it again 1% of the ENTIRE worlds oil goes
    so now that i have said this might we take a look were 90% (a guess but i am guessing that it is a good guest) of Russia’s income comes from OIL and they don’t like compition (as Glen Beck Said)
    so i believe the Author of this blog is right a russia is up to something as i say this i also would like to say america beat iraq main army in how long and how big is iraq please now go up to georgia and look at them this might all be over in a few hours EUROPE TIME IS OF THE ESENCE AS IN if you want a alternative to Russia’s strangle hold on your oil fight there fight now!!!!!!!
    and please fight as if your life depended on it because to be frank it does!
    thank-you again for letting me vent

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