@hypercasey I got 3HK message today. I signed up yesterday. Today I signed up also for Vodaphone but haven't heard from them yet. in reply to hypercasey#
Buy a 'good enough' desktop + new laptop vs. top of the line desktop really spec'd out. Hurry up Apple and upgrade the Mac Pro so I can buy #
@hypercasey @jonbuford wish I could join you but I'm paying the price for staying up late to watch the World Cup. Sleep is good. in reply to hypercasey#
Oops, the proposal is going to be at IFC/Airport Express station next Thurs. Flash mob needed. #
The call has gone out for a Flash Mob to assist a guy in proposing to his girlfriend at Hong Kong airport Next Thurs. #
@dedlam marks and Spencer in Central or Sogo in causeway bay. Both should have suits or just pants in reply to dedlam#
@drkiki sometimes mysql command FLUSH HOSTS will do the trick. It resets things if too many errors occurred and your host was blocked. in reply to drkiki#
RT @tok_world: Hong Kong says small radiation leakage at southern Chinese nuclear plant contained #
@joanek You should order two and then sell your spare place in line to someone who is stuck waiting for hours. Did that with the iPad 🙂 in reply to joanek#
@joshlam Does make you wonder if the rumored 'new' Apple TV is going to be a Mac Mini Mini… in reply to joshlam#
Apple secretly updates the Mac Mini to include HDMI ports. I already have two though. Sigh #
@HawaiAna If you are in C. Beach those are the Randle Cliffs. Scientist Cliffs & Calvert Cliffs are farther down the Bay (but look the same in reply to HawaiAna#