Has Periscope just shown Twitter a way forward?

Periscope’s new functionality could spread to Twitter and reinvigorate the struggling social media giant.    img_7626 Let’s face some facts. Twitter, and thereby by extension Periscope, have a rough road ahead.  A series of high-level departures at Twitter and the more recent general overall layoff of employees makes people question what will happen to Silicon Valley’s “diamond in the rough” tech company. The attempted shopping of Twitter failed for various reasons, reportedly due to the cost and the nature of product (Disney et. al. doesn’t want anything to do with trolls and hate speech, etc). Vine, one of Twitter’s high-profile acquisitions was also shuttered this weekend, leaving millions of social media posts and users in a state of limbo. But just this week, Periscope took a step toward what could a brand new and exciting path for Twitter. Something that could rewrite the ways in which Twitter content is displayed and shared, and lead to a massive improvement in the product and strong growth with new users….should the parent company consider following this lead. One of the problems with Twitter (and social media in general) is the signal / noise ratio. Following your Twitter stream for insight into Politics or Technology or virtually anything else results in a number of messages (and considerable time) sifting through extraneous and unrelated content. It is possible to create lists of followers that tweet about specific content, such as a list of Football twitter users or technology tweeters, but even then you still have to sort through other content that is not relevant. A hashtag based search can result in 100s of duplicate messages as retweets and other posts of the same content get caught up in the more general search parameters. These consumer-based curations of relevant content are still fraught with far too many false positives. However, Periscope’s new group-based broadcasting system offers something unique and new to this dilemma:  Producer-based curations. Periscope has introduced “groups”, a method by which a social media creator can share content with a specific more granular group of followers.  A content producer can create a group of users, say “Personal Friends” or “Subscribers (should a pay-to-view system develop one day). Groups can be built around interests, such as “tourist and travel followers” or “technology fans” such that Periscopes being created can be pushed to those users who have the most interest and are most likely to appreciate the content. Periscope groups are thus showing a way forward for Twitter to escape the 140-character rut they find themselves mired in for going on the Nth year.  People have been asking for the capability to broadcast to specific groups for years, but Twitter has left Twitter lists as a “read only” functionality; you can see all the tweets from a list buy you can’t communicate directly with that group.  Periscope groups will demonstrate that you can push content to certain users on certain subjects and that there is a market for this more detailed and specific sharing of social media. This offers a tremendous future for Twitter. A way to grow their platform from beyond that a 140-character service but into something far more useful to creators and consumers. Broadcasting to groups, and conversely, the consumption of specific content from a group of users is a very exciting development in social media. Twitter should seriously consider not only following the Periscope group concept but taking it a step further to create a more flexible “following” option. You would have the ability as a consumer to follow people only for certain types of content. As a producer you would have the option of sending content to everyone or to only those users who will find it of most value (Periscope-like groups). For example, a consumer could subscribe to: @Penguinsix

Everything (or) ->Photos Only ->Videos Only (Vine) ->Live Streams (Periscopes) ->Politics ->Social Media ->Food ->Hong Kong ->Other

Conversely, a creator could send their content out to a group, such as:. Tweet from my @PenguinSix account only to:

Everyone ->Photos Only followers ->Videos Only (Vine) followers ->Live Streams (Periscopes) followers ->Politics followers ->Social Media followers ->Food followers ->Hong Kong followers ->Other followers

Twitter would thus become a multi-disciplined social media platform, where you could still get the 140 characters of wisdom from people but also get new types of social media content as it becomes popular, be it photos, video, live video, or whatever else Twitter acquires in the coming years. Greater curation tools on both the creator and consumer side would render Twitter far more valuable to users. The platform would be set to add new features as they become available, bringing more and more people back to Twitter every day (hour) for more and more types of content without getting lost in the signal / noise conundrum of drinking from the social media firehose. Twitter has recently shut down the (once) popular VINE platform that they acquired only a few years ago. Without a doubt the VINE integration with Twitter was poorly handled. Getting “Vide’d” is now a verb amongst content producers who are very wary about putting time and effort into a platform only to find it getting nixed with a corporate reshuffle of the parent company. A very scary lesson for anyone involved in Periscope at this time. A system like this could have saved Vine (and could save Periscope). The existing subscriber base could be ported over to the Twitter in a flexible following platform after integration, such that if you currently are following someone on Vine or Periscope, your Twitter would now have a separate list of people you following only for videos (Vine) or live videos (Periscope). Twitter and Periscope creators would thus have access to a much larger potential pool of viewers as the sheer number of Twitter users would be now be more engaged in the Periscope system. Whether Twitter follows Periscope’s lead in this space is a big question. Whether anyone is even looking at expanding the platform is questionable as there are probably voices who are simply saying “let’s trim around the edges, give it a fresh coat of paint and sell it on to someone else.” But it would be pretty cool if they were thinking of something like this…  ]]>

PenguinSix's Tweets for the Week

  • Off to the Museum of Coastal Defence to learn about pirates. #
  • Interesting comparison by @Scobleizer between iPhone 4 camera and Cannon 5-D MK II. #
  • @chilishrimpgirl @coffeemeow That stuff happens all the time in Ikea Beijing. Good write up of the Ikea loungers here: in reply to chilishrimpgirl #
  • @ThomasCrampton iPhone 4 e.t.a. of July 28 in Hong Kong so not that much longer. in reply to ThomasCrampton #
  • @raykwong They're making a comedy movie about all the sex shops in China. Trailer here: http://youtu.be/NFSzRjbE9HE in reply to raykwong #
  • Photos from the Shanghai Apple store opening #
  • Rumors of Hong Kong iPhone release on July 28 and iPad on July 19. Now if we can just get some new Mac Pros this month… #
  • Chinese airport UFO pictures released: #
  • @ganglu First 5,000 get a free t-shirt in reply to ganglu #
  • @hypercasey Any idea if pre-orders will be accepted before July 28? in reply to hypercasey #
  • My massive site wide maintenance script has checked 80,000 of my pages in 14 hours. 4.4 million pages to go. Sigh. Time to recode this. #
  • I liked a YouTube video — a bunch of low flying passes http://youtu.be/5R85TXNFphk?a #
  • Spy swap takes place on an airport runway. Was so much more intense on a foggy night on a Berlin bridge. #
  • Northern Ireland police send 20 armored cars to the England to help find cop-hunting shooter. Snipers also deployed #
  • @kevinshe Looks like he jumps out of a porta-potty at the beginning. in reply to kevinshe #
  • 3HK just told me it will take 48 hours for an online SIM card recharge to take effect. I know who I'm not buying an iPhone 4 from. #fail #
  • More melamine found in Chinese milk products…again. Wonder if Baidu will advertise fake doctors again #
  • @hypercasey I was just across the street at white stag. Popped over but you had left. Oh well in reply to hypercasey #
  • $18800 for iPhone 4 in Wan Chai. That's a bit silly. #
  • Here's a novel idea for my day–actually doing some work. Deep into a perl script–no time for lunch or twitter. #
  • I liked a YouTube video — So I Married An Axe Murderer(colonel sanders scene) http://youtu.be/TPMS6tGOACo?a #
  • Feel like Udon in Causeway Bay or Wanchai. Now if I can just find a decent place. #
  • @SelfishMom Follow @FDNYnews, @theBravest, and @NotifyNYC for all your NYFD needs… in reply to SelfishMom #
  • I liked a YouTube video — Anthony Rother meets Loveparade – The Art of Love http://youtu.be/ExZKoWlisLM?a #
  • I liked a YouTube video — Eric Prydz – Pjanoo http://youtu.be/llfNRGQ7Tlg?a #
  • One way to get the message out. Chinese authorities hang banners in mall announcing the execution of corrupt official #
  • @AndreaPlunkett Consider your ignorance of LeBron James to be a gift. If you knew what was going on, you'd probably be throwing up now. in reply to AndreaPlunkett #
  • German sport fans demand public lynching of the World Cup winner picking octopus for choosing Spain over Germany #
  • @hypercasey Those Shanghai Apple shirts look they have a Stargate on the back. Be careful wearing one. You might end up somewhere else. in reply to hypercasey #
  • People evacuated Oakland in anticipation of the BART shooting verdict #
  • Samim — Heater. Because you can never have enough techno accordion. http://youtu.be/NZ806mlFoMY #
  • Preaching to the glue-sniffing, barrio street gangsters of Mexico City, a new 'Saint' tries an unorthodox approach. http://nyti.ms/9myde6 #
  • The iPhone rebuttal to the viral HTC "is all that" cartoon. Classic and funny. http://youtu.be/UAOtC9QfXac #
  • US Cyber Command hides code in their official logo. Can you crack it? 9ec4c12949a4f31474f299058ce2b22a #
  • @johnstauffer When you settle on a couple properties or areas, consider geoexpat.com, an HK messageboard for advice on neighborhoods. in reply to johnstauffer #
  • Battling yet another Rackspace cloud attack on my database. Who's to blame this time, WordPress or phpmyadmin. I don't know… #
  • I hate WordPress script kiddies… #
  • @johnstauffer This is actually a pretty good house hunting site too for Hong Kong. http://www.gohome.com.hk/en/ in reply to johnstauffer #
  • @Tortue Tiesto is not dead. It's 2006 rumor dredged up. Here is the original story from 4 years ago in reply to Tortue #
  • @Tortue Tiesto's tour dates have him in Europe this week and the story I just read said he died in California, so..um? http://bit.ly/8pic1V in reply to Tortue #
  • Chilling video of a baseball fan falling from upper deck chasing foul ball. You don't see the fall, thankfully. http://youtu.be/JtgTwkU4q2o #
  • Nordic cuisine profiled in the NY Times. Eat like a Viking. http://nyti.ms/9D5BKJ #
  • Survived the cabbie's round of Collapse or whatever. Should have thought twice about entering a cab with 4 mobiles on the dash. #
  • Video game done. Now he is reading the horse racing forum in the paper. A more traditional distraction. #
  • My cabbie is playing a video game on his phone while we drive. Is this my last tweet ever? #
  • @thekenyeung Totally agree. This is just ridiculous. A 1-hour special? The NBA is like professional wrestling now. in reply to thekenyeung #
  • @johnerik Rent a Ferrari and take it out for a 180mph test spin in the desert. in reply to johnerik #
  • Understanding all the bits of HDBaseT. You'll need to know this eventually. #
  • FFS…"LeBron James will announce the team with which he will sign during a one-hour special on ESPN Thursday night." http://is.gd/di6FA #
  • Tremendous advances made in Narco-Submarine technology. 100ft coke smuggling sub nabbed in Ecuador. http://nyti.ms/aqOvHP #
  • The 'one' museum of imperial Chinese artifacts, in two locations (China & Taiwan), dodging battling armies on the way. http://nyti.ms/9pXTxW #
  • Newly released documents show extent of Nixon/Kissinger psyops campaign against N.Vietnam (and it's failure) #
  • @SelfishMom Are you in a Prius? in reply to SelfishMom #
  • Yet another dancing soldiers has gone viral. http://youtu.be/Vg9g6b191HM #
  • How hip is Hong Kong? http://bit.ly/9r5jM8 #
  • @johnerik how many words do you need to know? Abandon ship is probably the only really important one. in reply to johnerik #
  • RT @mostlylisa: There are no gear limitations to great photography. See: iPhone Fashion Shoot (via @fstoppers) http://is.gd/dgOld #
  • Shanghai standup comedian pushing the envelope of censors, albeit in a dialect most Chinese don't understand. http://bit.ly/9HX0b3 #
  • @christinelu The Hau Tree lanai is a famous place for kamaaina and tourist. Robert Louis Stevenson used to write there. http://bit.ly/aqrnKa in reply to christinelu #
  • Another Tuesday. Will Apple drop a new Mac Pro or iMac on us today? Please? We need new toys here. #
  • Worst downturn in stocks for 300 years? New York Times profiles the Elliot Wave and the epic downturn yet to come. http://nyti.ms/cpHQ6f #
  • @hypercasey I had similar w/ a Mac Pro. Card worked, fan didn't. So passed tests fine, but then overheated and shutdown. 2 weeks to sort. in reply to hypercasey #
  • 125 years of cricket, in New York City. Grudge match finally held after nearly a century wait. http://nyti.ms/djeWb0 #
  • iPhone / iPad app development infrastructure and support growing #
  • Why $10 is the new "magic number" for digital media content. http://bit.ly/ammnd0 #
  • @jonbuford What day is the meetup? in reply to jonbuford #
  • Some humans + fireworks = stupidity. http://youtu.be/V1aAVGBxYP4 #
  • American geologist gets 8 years in a Chinese jail for selling 'secret' that wasn't secret until after it sold http://bit.ly/at7Ke2 #
  • First day of kindergarten for my 4-year-old. Two kids had Harvard t-shirts on. Very sad. Let children be children…. #
  • @Tortue Probably to keep mainlanders from stashing their money in Taiwan via real estate (as they are doing in HK). in reply to Tortue #
  • Hot dog Chaos in NY. "Let him eat! Let him eat!" the crowd chanted as police arrested the ex-hot dog champ Kobayashi #
  • One more month until "Norwegian Ninja" opens at the box office, in Norway. No idea when it will hit HK. http://youtu.be/4wNVjI9bJIk #
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    PenguinSix's Tweets for the Week

  • For those who need more animation as to what happened in the helicopter crash, you can watch this one: http://youtu.be/lBTXg_EMSyc #
  • Video report of the helicopter crash in the Hong Kong harbour yesterday that we saw from the ferry. http://youtu.be/98uiBjw4tbU #
  • End of an Era. Blockbuster Video stock to be delisted from NYSE. #
  • The rescue I saw in the harbor today was a helicopter that crashed into the water. #
  • Think a small boat capsized in the harbor. Was on Star Ferry and saw fireboats trying to recover something… #
  • I have a gizmo the size of a 1995 calculator connecting me to wifi broadband Internet over 3G. And 10 years ago I was on dial-up. Amazing. #
  • @thomashk Looks like a stack of credit cards. Not a lot of indicators. Wifi or modem via mini usb. Looks like this in reply to thomashk #
  • Just added myself to the http://wefollow.com twitter directory under: #hong_kong #entrepreneur #startups #socialmedia #technology #attorney #
  • @thomashk Thanks for help on mifi. Ended up with D-Link 3G/wifi router (same price as Huawei) from Wanchai C.Mart and 3HK for my SIM card. in reply to thomashk #
  • Chinese video game stocks taking a pounding from new regulations (and other things) #
  • Viral protest video from China slamming housing prices. Shows how long it would take average worker to buy apt. http://youtu.be/Jx4eXB3VxmQ #
  • Just bought a DLink mifi at the WanChai comp. center. Passed on the Huawei one from 3HK but took there SIM. My wifi iPad is now a 3G iPad! #
  • @johnerik All these trips to the Science Park but have you made it to Mongkok yet? in reply to johnerik #
  • 3HK won't let you top up your sim online unless you use Windows Explorer. What is this, 2002? #fail #
  • Off to get a myfi-like device today, if I can find an unlocked one. More gadgets… #
  • Wow. GE CEO blasts Chinese government rules and efforts by China to "colonize" developing nations. #
  • @johnerik We almost went to Shek O beach today but feared the crowds. How was it down there? in reply to johnerik #
  • Wicked cool! US Special Forces have a gadget to hack into power lines to recharge night vision #
  • Average US smartphone users sucking down 298mb/month in 2010, up from 90mb a month in 2009 #
  • White House aides using private email accounts for business purposes to avoid US ethics law–ABC News #
  • Obama readies a Medal of Honor for a US soldier in Afghanistan. First non-deceased MoH winner since Vietnam #
  • Going to the 3HK store to look at MyFi devices for my iPad. Huawei E5830 PCCW wifi 'everywhere' isn't 'everywhere' #
  • RT @iPadawans: Wired for iPad – New Features and New Price: http://bit.ly/d32Nx2 #
  • @CamellaGretal Contact a doctor. If it persists get to hospital. Worst case stroke/ heart attack., best case heartburn. Take it seriously. in reply to CamellaGretal #
  • WTO sides with USA & Boeing in longstanding EU/Airbus subsidy complaint. This will be a big deal… http://nyti.ms/du7mwc #
  • Russian spy suspect skips bail and disappears. Cyprus government just shocked such a thing could happen. http://nyti.ms/bIpiAS #
  • Hong Kong startup preparing biodegradable (sort of) iPhone cases. Dandelion Research bio-based iPhone cases coming soon #
  • @dapunster At least she didn't call you 'Sir', thinking your were not only innocent but too old for her. in reply to dapunster #
  • It is a holiday today. Pool, Shek O beach, or stay at home in front of computer. Tough choices… #
  • Just added myself to the http://wefollow.com twitter directory under: #technology #startups #socialmedia #entrepreneur #attorney #
  • The Old Spice guy is back! http://youtu.be/uLTIowBF0kE and for those who missed the original #
  • Wonder Woman looking a bit, well, emo in a new redesign. http://bit.ly/bIJlUy #
  • The Russian spies arrested didn't seem to get very deep into the US gov't but the one gal is pretty hot. http://bit.ly/cIvi0x #
  • I'm seriously considering a second iPad. Between the kids and the nanny's QQ obsession I don't get to play with mine very much. #
  • @hypercasey I'm desktop-less for the first time decades. Waiting for new Mac Pro or iMac. Laptops are cute, but I miss my big iron. in reply to hypercasey #
  • @WildPixels Does google actually own the license or is it that shell company that has it? in reply to WildPixels #
  • @hypercasey Very pretty toy. Is it hooked up to your HDTV or a monitor? in reply to hypercasey #
  • World Cup's bad example to kids and others: fake injuries. Now even robot soccer players are diving #
  • Twitter and delicate international diplomacy do not coexists. 2 State Dept. aides under fire for twitter posts http://nyti.ms/92ESer #
  • @neonpunch Did they actually have any gaming skills? in reply to neonpunch #
  • @JayOatway Did you see Top Gear last weekend? You'll like what Stig listens to in his car. :45 sec of this video http://post.ly/kcRi #
  • Tuition for my first semester of college at a public university many years ago = $1,200 = 1 month of kindergarten for my son in Hong Kong. #
  • Hong Kong startup has robot to yell at you if you are fat (aka 'weight loss aide') My robot's name–wife. #
  • My 19-month-old son has already discovered 3 of my 4 hiding places for the iPad. I need to be more creative. #
  • Vuvuzelas now available on Amazon. Annoying noises only a UPS package away. http://amzn.to/dffmS3 #
  • @kevinshe myp2p.eu for all streaming sports. in reply to kevinshe #
  • Congrats Albert!!! RT @albertsupdates: RT @TechCrunch Kontagent Raises $4.5 Million For Facebook Analytics Platform http://tcrn.ch/cbl0Xl #
  • Hulu app finally comes out for iPad and iPhone, but you need an invite to get it to do anything. #
  • @christinelu Here are two top crab shacks in Maryland if you want some more authentic. http://mikescrabhouse.com/ & http://cantlers.com/ in reply to christinelu #
  • NY Post on the US losing out in the World Cup. Gotta love the Post's humor sometimes… http://yfrog.com/7ffn8j #
  • @hypercasey Does longing for a Mini count? I would, but I already have 2 minis in my house running scripts and stuff. in reply to hypercasey #
  • @joanek You can actually claim that against your homeowners policy, so feel free to fry some more gadgets if you want new ones. in reply to joanek #
  • So much for the big thunderstorm in HK today. #
  • So this is the last Tuesday in June. Waiting anxiously to see if the rumored "June updates" of the Mac line will actually come in June… #
  • @hypercasey Looks like a quickie thunderstorm. http://www.hko.gov.hk/wxinfo/radars/radar_range1.htm?pv_mode=playback in reply to hypercasey #
  • @hypercasey Drat. I was going to take the kids swimming. in reply to hypercasey #
  • @JayOatway I may have to get out of bed then and wander downstairs. Just have to find a mifi to take with me… in reply to JayOatway #
  • @JayOatway except all the pools are filled with a week's worth of rain water, which is really cold. in reply to JayOatway #
  • Playing with Digg for about the first time in 2 years as new announcements look interesting. Wonder if I'll return full time? #
  • First FORD-class aircraft carrier under production with target launch of 2015. First new aircraft carrier class since 1968-NIMITZ class #
  • Nanny just took my iPad. Damn QQ is her Opium. #
  • Despite record iPhone 4 sales new Apple press release still says "end of July" for Hong Kong iPhone launch. A good sign.http://bit.ly/cpFnmR #
  • But not in HK until ??? RT @TechCrunch: Apple: We've Sold Over 1.7 Million iPhone 4 Devices In 3 Days – http://tcrn.ch/c2net1 #
  • Crap weather day and I'm running all over the place for this and that. Really need a Target in this town… #
  • @jonbuford Does "Boot" (i.e. shoe) have any negative connotations in Chinese? Does it mean the same thing, i.e. bootstrap, boost? in reply to jonbuford #
  • @pdenlinger Got you voice mail. Running around today. Haven't heard from Lucid but will harass. Call /chat you this afternoon. Andrew in reply to pdenlinger #
  • RT @christinelu: "Making Sense of China’s 100+ Groupon Clones" via @TechCrunch –guest post by my friend @gangluhttp://ow.ly/23WPb #goap #
  • @christinelu You need to add a road trip to the North Shore shrimp trucks. in reply to christinelu #
  • The World Bank fiscal year ends Wed. Next FY my social media project with them kicks into high gear, I hope. #
  • Consider Cassandra as a solution to some database problems I have. Interesting stuff #
  • All Apple OS's to be rebranded as iOS? iOS mobile, iOSdesktop, and iOSserver. http://bit.ly/8Yl9Pr #
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    PenguinSix's Tweets for the Week

  • @hypercasey Definitely looking at the unlocked and just screw the plans. Give me sim-freedom. in reply to hypercasey #
  • @hypercasey Is Fast Company on Zinio's app or a stand alone app? in reply to hypercasey #
  • @Tigermommy http://www.svt.se has all the videos for viewing. in reply to Tigermommy #
  • Watch svt.se live stream of royal wedding. Pretty good stream quality. Look for live link on main page. #
  • Trying to figure out why someone who was supposed to go only 2 stops on the tram went 2 MILES and then thought to call me for directions… #
  • @joshlam That's still a week earlier than the UK and Northern Europe. in reply to joshlam #
  • @hypercasey I got 3HK message today. I signed up yesterday. Today I signed up also for Vodaphone but haven't heard from them yet. in reply to hypercasey #
  • Buy a 'good enough' desktop + new laptop vs. top of the line desktop really spec'd out. Hurry up Apple and upgrade the Mac Pro so I can buy #
  • @hypercasey @jonbuford wish I could join you but I'm paying the price for staying up late to watch the World Cup. Sleep is good. in reply to hypercasey #
  • Oops, the proposal is going to be at IFC/Airport Express station next Thurs. Flash mob needed. #
  • The call has gone out for a Flash Mob to assist a guy in proposing to his girlfriend at Hong Kong airport Next Thurs. #
  • @brendanloy thou tweet too soon. 2-1 baby! in reply to brendanloy #
  • @johnerik I like the Christopher Walken version. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2guQYivZ6w in reply to johnerik #
  • @jonbuford So who is better. SmartTone or 3? in reply to jonbuford #
  • Gasol looks like a Yeti in heat #
  • Debating which city I'd like to see looted and pillages–Boston or LA. Not sure if a win or a loss will lead to more destruction….choices #
  • @kevinrose That's Fletch, 6'5", 6'9" with Afro in reply to kevinrose #
  • @dsearls http://myp2p.eu/ is a p2p sports site. Here are game links. http://myp2p.eu/broadcast.php?matchid=79193&part=sports in reply to dsearls #
  • #worldcup Ireland could have beaten Mexico. #
  • @dedlam marks and Spencer in Central or Sogo in causeway bay. Both should have suits or just pants in reply to dedlam #
  • @drkiki sometimes mysql command FLUSH HOSTS will do the trick. It resets things if too many errors occurred and your host was blocked. in reply to drkiki #
  • @drkiki Welcome back. Your blog is still broken. in reply to drkiki #
  • @robpegoraro People still use Outlook??? Must take up a lot of floppies… in reply to robpegoraro #
  • @jamescridland Latin American Spanish is quite different from European Spanish. More differences than UK-US English. in reply to jamescridland #
  • @hypercasey Safari5 is mega-buggy. Hard reboot, of course. Delete preferences. Empty /cache/ as well. in reply to hypercasey #
  • @hypercasey Wasn't there a Flash update a few days ago? Safari5 has had some huge DNS issues but not sure about flash in reply to hypercasey #
  • Start your Thursday with a little Deadmau5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGbRpdCRwt0 #
  • @jonbuford Sure it wasn't chickens being strangled at a wet market? in reply to jonbuford #
  • Gran Turismo V trailer out with the Stig. Played this in Vegas at CES private party last Jan. Pretty impressive game #
  • Remember that "world's most expensive apartment" in Hong Kong? Turns out it wasn't true. Quasi-scam? #
  • Devo has a new studio album out #
  • @hypercasey Thanks for the iPhanatics. You should start a poll on when we'll see iPhone4 in HK. in reply to hypercasey #
  • @thomashk We did DB. Quite quite hot, but could walk around a bit. Restaurants packed though so back to Central for lunch. in reply to thomashk #
  • @thomashk I was going to go to Stanley but think the ones in D. Bay might be a bit calmer. Let me know if it is a zoo down there in reply to thomashk #
  • The guardian angel of Suicide Cliff, saving lives one at a time, when he can, armed only with a cup of tea. #
  • Tesla ready IPO http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-0616-tesla-ipo-20100616,0,3378942.story #
  • RT @tok_world: Hong Kong says small radiation leakage at southern Chinese nuclear plant contained #
  • @joanek You should order two and then sell your spare place in line to someone who is stuck waiting for hours. Did that with the iPad 🙂 in reply to joanek #
  • @joshlam Does make you wonder if the rumored 'new' Apple TV is going to be a Mac Mini Mini… in reply to joshlam #
  • @jonbuford Let me know if you hear of an iPhone dev meetup. Would like to start attending those. in reply to jonbuford #
  • Apple secretly updates the Mac Mini to include HDMI ports. I already have two though. Sigh #
  • @HawaiAna If you are in C. Beach those are the Randle Cliffs. Scientist Cliffs & Calvert Cliffs are farther down the Bay (but look the same in reply to HawaiAna #
  • @loic ~28-34% have passports, but US troops travel w/o frequently so numbers slightly skewed. http://bit.ly/bRBat5 in reply to loic #
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    PenguinSix's Tweets for the Week

  • Of the four computers in the house I can touch none of them due to CRON routines all running at the same time. I need more machines. #
  • The advantage of building a 'World Cup web-radio' page over 10 years ago? I'm number on in Google for World Cup Radio #
  • Came home and checked my Google ad revenue. Thought there was a typo. Did in 1 day what I normally do in a week. Thank you World Cup page #
  • Went to a Techcrunch meet up last night. Good times in Soho. First tech social event in months. Good to get out of the house. #
  • Hillarious! RT @MarshaCollier: The Oil Spill Re-Enacted By Cats in 1 Minute – @TremendousNews! http://post.ly/j7Aw #
  • USAF Combat Air Patrol protecting the Space Shuttle captures amazing photo. [pic] http://ff.im/lJrVm #
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    PenguinSix's Tweets for the Week

  • Just read my first comic book in years via iPad Marvel Comic app. Anyone who says this is just a big iPhone doesn't get it… #
  • @SelfishMom I thought all Southern Weddings has the groom dressed like some Confederate Colonel and the women w/ lace umbrellas 🙂 in reply to SelfishMom #
  • iPad tip: When you sync for the first time, it default syncs all photos, movies, videos and apps, not just the ones you might want. #
  • @DCPolicyJobs Geeky yes, but I'm also the man your man could smell like if you'd stop using lady's scented body wash. in reply to DCPolicyJobs #
  • @Scobleizer Process took 5 minutes walk in to walk out in Annapolis. Note: ipad syncs ALL photos from iPhoto by default. in reply to Scobleizer #
  • iPad tip: It seems the iPad is defaulted to sync ALL PHOTOS from your iPhoto library. I have 30,000. This is a thing you need to reset. #
  • My ipad. Took 5 minutes once in store. EVERY apple employee was working today. http://twitpic.com/1cvvh4 #
  • At Annapolis Apple store. Probably 40 people in line. #
  • Buying an iPad — at Apple Store, Annapolis http://gowal.la/s/2p2L #
  • Bed. IPad in morning followed by birthday party for kid in neighborhood which means no iPad for first few hours of ownership. Will be rough #
  • Made a grand more than I hoped selling car today. Maybe I should buy an extra iPad with profits. #
  • @Scobleizer Savour those books. After the iPad, they may be the last dead-tree versions you ever read? in reply to Scobleizer #
  • Just sold car to Carmax for about 7% under blue book retail price. Worth it for the hassle free-ness of whole thing. #
  • Selling my car at Carmax. Maybe. Depends on the price they offer me. #
  • Watching Mr. Smith goes to Washington for the first time in about 30 years. #
  • @thbo When do iPads go on sale over there? in reply to thbo #
  • Watching live review of the iPad and very glad I reserved one for pick up first thing Saturday morning. #
  • @loic Sorry no personal knowledge, but tripadvisor.com is really the best hotel review site (with pics). Use it for places all over. in reply to loic #
  • @albertsupdates live.twit.tv has a LIVE review going on right now. in reply to albertsupdates #
  • @daynah Thanks for the twit update. Just turned it on. Can't wait until Saturday… in reply to daynah #
  • Wonder if Arsenal will have 11 healthy men left by the end of the game? #
  • I'm at Rockland's BBQ in Arlington, VA http://gowal.la/s/MsL #
  • This is a loss. US calculus teacher Jamie Escalante of Stand and Deliver fame has died. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/8596047.stm #
  • @uhhitsshelby try hard reset. Push and hold power + round click button at bottom at same time for about 15 sec. in reply to uhhitsshelby #
  • ATM ate my card. PNC Bank sucks. Shotgun to ATM machine has just made by bucket list of thongs to do before I die. #
  • @robpegoraro News Tip: Reports that DC Fire radios have crashed tonight in 'catastrophic failure'. Sent you e-mail. in reply to robpegoraro #
  • My 10-yr-old Helly Hansen sailing jacket lost it's waterproofing. So the store gave me a free new one. Love lifetime warranties. #
  • Son asked me to "buy" an orange traffic cone for his room. He's too young for the "things you buy, things you steal" speech so I'm on ebay. #
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    PenguinSix's Tweets for the Week

  • I'm at Pho 75 in Arlington, VA http://gowal.la/s/2BxM #
  • RT @NASA_Wallops: 9:30 a.m.- T minus 30 minutes and counting. Still watching winds. Webcast is live at http://sites.wff.nasa.gov/webcast #
  • @andreaplunkett I went to law school and I am still clueless. Guess I'll just hire an assistant to handle my life stuff. in reply to andreaplunkett #
  • @antgalvin I could write that book I think (though I still can't find my missing book. I remember it is yellow….) in reply to antgalvin #
  • @andreaplunkett Don't you love fine print? Take a cab to Reston Town Center (10 min) & get some good food and then catch a later flight. in reply to andreaplunkett #
  • RT @boingboing Dog eats police car – Boing Boing #
  • Bought my 1st "For Dummies" book for software that was updated a day after I got the book. And now I can't find the book. I am a dummy. #
  • @Scobleizer Comcast just rolled out DOCIS 3 in our hood. 55mb down, 8 up. They might be testing it where you live too in reply to Scobleizer #
  • Is Dell now leaving China? Reports of massive move into India and out of China. #
  • @joanek Get a MiFi and use that with the wifi only version. Best of both worlds . in reply to joanek #
  • First Kansas, then Syracuse. Could tonight be Cornell's night v. Kentuckky? #
  • MIght Butler knocks off Syracuse. What a crazy NCAA tourney this year. #
  • Just bought what may be my last paper-based magazines as my iPad arrives next week. We'll see. #
  • China's rules on what the Chinese media can say re: Google #
  • Only in Philly: Flash Mobs turn violent, rampage through city. http://nyti.ms/atFn1t #
  • Youtube has crashed. I might actually have to turn on the TV if it stays this way. #
  • I just vacuumed up the carcasses of nearly 500 dead ladybugs that were infesting the house. Life is short. #
  • Too lazy to cook dinner — at Old Town Cafe http://gowal.la/s/3g3M #
  • Android launch now threatened as Chinese government & businesses strike back against Google. http://nyti.ms/dzclZq #
  • Do you know why cars don't have rocket launchers and machine guns behind the headlights? Because I would use them. #
  • Grad students with babies. Maternity leave? What's that? #
  • Kid got his first punk rock hair-do due to a whiney, head-shaking haircut that ended in frustration and random snips. Hey, it'll grow back. #
  • Interesting motion to recommit fight underway. Will they peel off 4 of the 219? #
  • @thekenyeung No, they showed. 219-212. 4 empty seats (normally 435 total) in reply to thekenyeung #
  • Watching Big Bang Theory and realizing I quote 'neurotic' Sheldon more often than 'scientific' Sheldon. I need help. #
  • I'm at Stoney's Kingfishers in Lusby, MD http://gowal.la/s/4khd #
  • 2:42 am is not really the best time to remember your lawn sprinklers are on. #
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    PenguinSix's Tweets for the Week

  • Does the BBC's Chinese website look like a Japanese flag? Did a double take to make sure it wasn't a Japanese site. #
  • RT @nickbilton: These two videos of John Stewart on Chatroulette are brilliant & hilarious: #
  • April 3 iPad launch. Guess I can wait a few extra days for one. #
  • Is thisthe 10 billionth tweet? #
  • 70% of our clothes, toys and housewares are on a boat to Asia and we barely notice they are gone. We have too much stuff. #
  • Listening to Korean Pop music to get ready for Hong Kong (this song was popular the last time we lived there): #
  • Broadcasting live now! See me at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/Andrew-s-Music #
  • @brendanloy there are reports of rioters in college park after duke upset (seriously). in reply to brendanloy #
  • @christinelu btw, many folks report an easier time getting a 1 yr Chinese visa at consulate in Hong Kong vs. US-based consulates., fwiw. in reply to christinelu #
  • @robpegoraro What does it offer vs. iPhone version of website, i.e. is it worth $1.99? in reply to robpegoraro #
  • @christinelu Cold and raining in DC. Hints of snow but ground is basically cleared from the blizzard. in reply to christinelu #
  • Between now and May we have trips to Beijing, Hong Kong, Cairo and South Africa planned. And moving our family to Asia. Ouch. #
  • @joanek nothing. We are keeping two houses so we only took what was needed. The rest stays here. in reply to joanek #
  • Big pile of stuff going on big container and then on Ever Diadem cargo ship to Hong Kong in about a month. http://twitpic.com/161i17 #
  • Hong Kong movers arrive in 4 hours. Big pile of "life" sits on floor. Toys and tuna fish and towels and…just a bunch of stuff. #
  • @paulgrav 4×4 sudden death I thought they said. in reply to paulgrav #
  • No matter what the result, let's invade Canada just for the hell of it tonight and take their women. #olympics #hockey #
  • GOAL USA! #
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