International Criminal Court investigating FARC network in Switzerland

I haven’t written about FARC lately as the storms and Olympics and the war in Georgia, but the battle against the FARC is continuing and has taken a new twist lately.

The International Criminal Court prosecutors have decided to look into allegations that a FARC financial support network exists inside Switzerland. Following the allegations against Swiss negotiator John-Pierre Gontard the Colombian government has been keeping up the pressure against Switzerland.

Spain informed us of the detention of a woman, at the request of Colombia, accused of delivering funds to another person who lives in Switzerland, Omar Arturo Zabala Padilla, known as Lucas Gualdron, who is the chief of FARC in Europe,” Ocampo told “Le Temps” newspaper.

The development adds another wrinkle to a relationship already strained by Colombian demands that Swiss professor Jean-Pierre Gontard be investigated for his role in delivering half a million dollars to the guerrilla group for the release of kidnapped employees of Swiss Pharmaceutical company Novartis.

While Gotard has repeatedly stated he delivered the money while acting as a mediator, Colombian prosecutors accuse the professor of financing terrorism.


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